YA Romance, Mature YA book, contemporary romance, secret life, hannah montannaSays who? Says you guys!

OMG! Seriously. You guys are gonna make me cry! Check out a couple of the ♥ COLLIDE: THE SECRET LIFE OF TRYSTAN SCOTT #1 ♥ reviews:

“I have read all of H.M. Ward books n I’m n love with them all. This book Collide is another great book. It’s short, but I still love it. I read it n a day, but I wish I could find a man like Trysten for me…lol I hope Mari gives Trysten a chance because he seems very sweet, special. Great job Ward, keep writing cause u make my day a better day when I can sit down n read great books by great artist.-Deda via Amazon

“I am a huge fan of H. M Ward. After reading Collide i can say it is my favorite work of hers. it took me only a few hours to read it but i was addicted after the first page. I love the way Ward writes. Throughout Collide I has this feeling of anticipation and nervousness. In a way I felt the way the characters felt, and i love when an author can write like that. It makes me love the book even more. Collide is an amazing book and I was addicted. Collide is just and addicting and agonizing book to read. I could not read fast enough. I would find myself jumping lines so that i could know what would happen faster. Ward definitely worte an amazing book. The emotions, actions, and thoughts that the main charaters where having are exactly how people my age (i am 16 years old) would feel and think and act. Collide is definitely a must read! 5 stars!” -Xena0128 via Amazon

I’m so glad you guys like it! I haven’t written anything like it before and it’s so nice to read your comments and reviews! The fact that you all love it blows me away. I can’t wait to put out the second volume and see what you think!

Grab COLLIDE now and see what they’re talking about!


BACKDRAFT: THE SECRET LIFE OF TRYSTAN SCOTT #2 will be released on Oct. 1, 2012. Want to get a reminder via email so you don’t miss it? Text AWESOMEBOOKS to 22828 or click here. Hope you had a great weekend!

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Cover Reveal: Backdraft (The Secret Life of Trystan Scott #2) by H.M. Ward

COVER REVEAL: Backdraft (The Secret Life of Trystan Scott #2) by H.M. Ward

Ooohhh! Aaaaahhh!

This is the 2nd book in the Trystan Scott series.  This title will be released on Oct. 1, 2012. Unless…unless what?!?!  Tell me! Tell me! Okay, since you asked:

WANT TO GET BOOK #2 BEFORE OCT 1? Here’s how. If ♥ COLLIDE: THE SECRET LIFE OF TRYSTAN SCOTT ♥ gets to 20 Amazon reviews before the release date, I’ll release book #2 EARLY! Go leave some stars and say why you loved it! As soon as it hits 20 reviews, I’ll upload the next book in the series.



This is a steamy YA Romance series! Have an awesome week! Thanks for reading!

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SECRETS Vol. 3 by Ella Steele is Out Today!

SECRETS VOL. 3 by Ella Steele was released today!


“When Anna admits she’s falling for Cole she can’t believe his response. He pushes her away with an excuse that seems too flimsy to be real. Crushed, Anna continues working at Cole’s Long Island studio, but she can’t stop thinking about him. It isn’t until Anna is called into the dean’s office that the real trouble starts. To make matters worse, Edward keeps popping up at the worst times reminding her of everything she wants to forget.”

Genre: Mature YA/ New Adult

SECRETS VOL. 4 will be released Fall 2012.

Dude, what the heck is Mature YA/ New Adult? It means that it’s more mature than YA (like 12-yr-olds shouldn’t read it) but not in the general adult mass of books. The heroine in the SECRETS series is a 22 year old college student named Anna Lamore. It’s a coming of age love story for people who like the pacing of YA books, but want hotter romance than YA typically offers. So to sum up, this is a steamy read not for little kids.

Get this title via:

Nook & Kobo links coming soon. Paperback to follow.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to write this series! I love seeing what you guys think in your reviews. Yes, I read those! Tell me what you liked, what you wish there was more of, and what you totally gotta have in the next book. It’s the best way to get your voice heard, and I’m totally listening!  This installment of SECRETS is HOT. You’ve been warned. :)

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Animated Vampire Book Cover! It bleeds! Eeeep!

Just wanted to show you an animated version of the CATALYST (VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE #2) cover. Look! It bleeds!

This is the rough work up. I’ll post the final version when I’m done. I just thought it was fun and wanted to share. Have an awesome weekend!

And if you haven’t grabbed it already, grab it already, go get BANE! It’s only 99 cents right now!

Get BANE book #1 at these fine retailers:


Psst! B&N site has been freaking out for the past few weeks. If you have trouble finding one of my titles, use the direct link on my official site. Their search has gone wonky.

Peace out, peeps!


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Description: When Mari accidentally overhears that Trystan is in love, she can’t believe it. He’s pining over some girl that doesn’t know he’s alive. The confident swagger and endless stream of girls is a facade. It conceals his loneliness and hides how messed up he’s really become trying to flee from a life that’s battered him to his core.

Trystan tries to figure out how to make it clear how much he loves her. But every insincere kiss, every broken promise haunts him because she knows them all. Now Trystan has to prove to the one girl who thinks true love is real that she’s not just another conquest.

Mari keeps his secret, but quickly learns about an even bigger secret about Trystan Scott—one that is impossible to keep.

Genre: Mature YA

REVIEW from Brittany @ STBB- the awesome book reviewer: 5 STARS

“I was so surprised by Collide. I read this novella in about three hours. I was sucked in quickly and devoured it. It isn’t your typical young hot man meets girl and they are instantly infatuated and sex crazed. Mari and Trystan have been friends for a couple years. Mari helping Trystan run lines for a play. Trystan seems like your typical hot guy but, he has a few big secrets.

The novella switches back and forth between Mari and Trystan’s point of view, which I love. You really get to see what each of them is thinking in the situations. Mari and Trystan both put up a strong front but, inside are broken. They have had a rough past. Trystan especially, I felt so bad for him. My heart ached for him. Mari was a lot like me in high school. A shy girl who believes in love. I completely agree on her point of view about kissing. They both have secrets and issues in their lives. Can they be over come? Will love win?

I really enjoyed Trystan and Mari. Their best friends I wanted to just slap. I was like, “don’t listen to them!!!” Seth seems to me like the more typical version of high school senior. A hormone crazed guy if you will. In his own twisted way he was looking out for his friend the same way Katie did for Mari. In more of a guy way.

H.M. Ward keeps knocking them out of the park. The way Collide ends will leave you begging for more! I have to know what’s going to happen with these two. It was so well written. You will enjoy this if you are a fan of H.M. Ward and I would highly recommend it. Collide will be out in paperback later this week. The next volume is due out around October 1st.” -Brittany at Spare Time Book Blog

Grab COLLIDE now for $2.99 at these vendors:


The mass paperback edition is 240 pages and will be available later this week.

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