Review of YA Paranormal Romance Novel: Satan’s Stone by H.M. Ward

Here is a review from the latest book in the DEMON KISSED series by H.M. Ward - SATAN’S STONE.  It sums up the book very well without spoiling anything.  And her idea of PETA approved vampires is hysterical!

5 STARS – 1/31/12

“Wow. I literally read this entire book in one sitting (if you don’t count getting up to have dinner). Satan’s Stone is the 4th book in the Demon Kissed series, and they are only getting better.

One of my favorite characteristics of the Demon Kissed series in the last 3 books was their ability to completely blindside me, and Satan’s Stone kept up the trend. I absolutely loved the fact that one minute I was sure beyond a doubt about something, and the next I would be proven completely wrong with some fun new plot twist. The story continues to be excitingly original and unpredictable.

Prehaps even a little more than the other Demon Kissed books, Satan’s Stone has a dark side that I absolutely revere. I’ve had my fill of books bursting with fluff and rainbows: a few examples being supernatural guys who leave because they’re “afraid of hurting” people, no main characters ever getting hurt (very unrealistic), and vampires suitable for PETA. Satan’s Stone makes my heart race with everything from the heartless demons, to the black magic, to the edge-of-death experiences that are an all too common experience for the characters.

The one and only complaint I have for Satan’s Stone is a small one. As she did in some of the previous books, the main character Ivy continues to lie and hide things from the people that care about her and it does get to be a little irritating. Other than that, Ivy continues to be the refreshingly strong and powerful heroine that I love.

Satan’s Stone was an amazing addition to the Demon Kissed series and I enjoyed it thoroughly. If you haven’t read the first 3 books, I highly recommend that you do! I am dying to read the next book, which comes out in March.” -Linny Milliron via Goodreads

I want to personally thank everyone who takes the time to write a review.  It’s beyond awesome when a reader and a writer connect, and one of the ways that happens is when people take the time to write detailed comments like this one.  It lets you know the flavor of the books without giving anything away.  Thank you so much Linny!  And everyone else who has written reviews!  This series wouldn’t be a bestseller without awesome people like you!

The final book in the DEMON KISSED series – THE 13th PROPHECY – will be released March 6, 2012.

To purchase the 4th book in the DEMON KISSED series, click here.

For more information about this series, please visit:

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Tips for Young Writers

I’ve had a lot of fans asking me questions about writing.  I thought I would take some time to post info on here, so I can go into more detail than on my facebook fan page for DEMON KISSED.  There isn’t much room to write a response over there.

Personally, I write because I have to.  It’s a means of expression.  It’s the same reason why some people paint, and others sing, or play an instrument.  Creative expression is a do-or-die thing for me.

I’ve been writing stories since I was ten-years-old.  They mirrored folklore when I started, and slowly developed into fantasy.

When I was younger, I would hand write my stories.  They grew from a few pages to several hundred.  I didn’t edit much then.  I wrote to write, and for no other reason.  I followed one storyline, that I loved, and the stack of papers grew.  I kept them in a Robert Frost folder that I got from my middle school.  I still have that stack stored in there today.  It’s fun to go back and see what the mind of a child came up with.  Some stories were so imaginative, that I surprised myself when I went back to read them later.

My first and foremost tip is this -  Write.

Write because you love it.  Write because you have to.

I had no intention of seeking publication with my early writings.  I did them for me, and no one else.  That type of writing is important, and will foster a sense of self that you can’t get any way else.

When I was in 10th grade, I wanted to write poetry.  I sucked at it.  I remember sitting on my bed, trying to spill my feelings onto the page in a few eloquent words, and finding I filled up both sides of the page.

It looked like a story, not prose.  I forced myself to slash down the words, choosing more vivid images, and stronger words to tell the story.  Eventually my poems became what I wanted – a reflection of my soul.

In college I had no trouble writing papers.  None at all.  While other kids thought writing a 10 page paper sucked, I totally thought it was fine.  I still remember getting the assignment for my first 30 page paper.  The entire class looked ill.  I thought about it for a second, and knew I could do that.  No problem.

I have a secret for you:  The people who write, just to write, have a much easier time writing when writing’s required.  I think the longest paper I had to write for my masters work was 75 pages.  By then, I thought 30 pages was fluff.

Natural writers have a very unfair advantage, because we have been using words, molding them to our will, long before someone told us we had to.  We think it’s fun.

And dude, it totally is!

So, onto how do you keep the storyline straight in your head, work out the plot, and subplots.  Several of you asked me about this, and different writers do it different ways.  For DEMON KISSED I utilized several methods.  First, I collected my ideas, having a general idea of the flow, but unsure of the secondary conflicts.  I made outlines.  That helped me see how the story was progressing.  The only bad thing about sticking to an outline is that ideas come to me while I’m writing, so I’d abandon the outline.  So it’s there to help, as a guide, but if I want to go off-roading, I do that too.

At one point, I tried making a storyboard.  That’s where you take index cards and write out your storyline, and post it on a cork board.  This works really well for linear thinkers.  I mapped out my main story line at one point, but the secondary plots that wove in and out were more difficult to capture on cork.

Personally, I think very abstractly, so linear isn’t my thing.  My cork board now holds notes I make to myself.

Notes were the best thing I did to keep the plot moving forward, and keeping things straight.  It’s not like I’d forget huge things, but I found little details (that help tie the whole story together) would come to me at odd times and be quickly forgotten.  Now, I jot down whatever I’m thinking and stick it on the board.  When I adapt the idea into the novel, I toss the note.  That was a HUGE help.

The most challenging thing I’ve encountered, so far, is having enough guts.  Yeah, I wrote the entire novel before I told anyone.  I sat down one day and decided to write.  My storyline formed and I just kept going.

For me, telling people that I did it was the hard part.  I write, paint, sing, play the cello, so it’s not like it’s a shocker to anyone that I’d do something that I love.  At the same time, it’s like learning to fly by jumping off a cliff.  You’ll find out if you can’t do it when you hit the bottom.  That’s a pretty brutal way to learn, but you’ll learn über fast.  That is the Holly way of learning things – things that weren’t covered in school.

Have a good week!

This popular post was from Holly’s original blog dated Oct 26, 2010.
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Announcing the Mock Up Cover for The 13th Prophecy!

This is the mock up of the cover for the final book in the DEMON KISSED series by H.M. Ward.  It’s not the final version, but it’s getting close!

I told the fans that I’d post it the other night when the facebook page hit 44,000 fans – and it did!

So, who’s ready for THE 13th PROPHECY?

Want another bit of awesomeness?  The 1st chapter of BANE: VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE by H.M. Ward 1 will be included with it!

Have an awesome weekend!

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