So, I’ve been a kindle user since January 2011. If you read my facebook posts from around that time, you’ll see that I totally hated the thing. I kept trying to turn the page (ah-dher) and I hated that the screen is gray, among other things.
Well, it’s now about a year and half later and I have to tell you…
I strongly dislike paper books. Now, I’m not talking about collectible editions that are so pretty and old and sit pretty on my bookcase. I look at those with careful fingers and lovingly pat the covers. No, I’m talking about the reading-for-fun books–the new releases that I blow through in a few days. I have to say that: Hardcovers are the worst.Reading in bed, late at night – tell me this? Which would you rather have come crashing down on your face when you fall asleep? Kindle or a hardcover 500 page book? Yeah. The Kindle falls and it’s like ouch! Notice the lack of sharp pointy corners on all models. Foresight? Hell yeah.
To tell you the truth, I used to laugh (and still do) at the Kindle commercials where they are selling it by telling you that regular paper books are hard, heavy, and just awkward. I sit there laughing! What ludicrous things to say. They need to tell it like it is – no SHOW it like it is. If Amazon showed a commercial with someone reading in bed and the consequences of pointy cornered books stabbing you in the head, and how safe a kindle is–I’d still laugh–but that strikes a little closer to home.
So, in short, this post was to tell you that I’m completely shocked. I HATED the Kindle when I first used it. Now, its the other way around. I’m reading a hardcover and my husband is laughing at me. I’m having so many problems: anything from hand-strain from holding it up, to getting hit in the face, to trying to get the shadow off the page (forgot about that - doesn’t happen with a flat screen), and paper cuts. Yeah, I’m a menace. The ereader was made for people like me, I just didn’t realize it until now.
I can’t wait for Kindle to come out with the glowsoft screen like the Nook has. I so totally want that! Which Kindle is my favorite? The smallest one. That’s my everyday ereader. It fits in my purse or my pocket and it doesn’t make me bleed. I appreciate that.