New Series Added to Kindle Unlimited: The Secret Life of Trystan Scott

TSseriesKUpromoThe Secret Life of Trystan Scott, Volumes 1 – 5, by NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR H.M. WARD is now part of Kindle Unlimited!
Kindle Unlimited is a new program offered by Amazon to allow readers to get as many books as they like for a flat monthly fee of $9.99. Think of it as one of the world’s largest libraries. You can go in, grab a book, read it, return it, and get another without leaving your comfy couch. Middle of the night and payday is a week away, no problem. Kindle Unlimited is perfect for people who are reading and spending more than $10 a month on books. If you have one reader in your house, you’re spending more than that. Mike & I already signed up for it.

KUpicInterested? Check it out using your FREE 30-day-trial! As a reader in a family of readers, I find this to be a great place to grab books–and with over half a million titles to choose from, there’s something for every member of your family. One membership and every Kindle that’s attached to your account can use it to read books for free.

After a lot of talking with Amazon, we were able to include the entire ARRANGEMENT series, the entire PROPOSITION series the entire SECRETS series and NOW we’ve added the entire Secret Life of Trystan Scott series! That’s over $90 worth of books for $9.99. That’s less than 50 cents per book. Dudes, there won’t be a better deal!

For people who don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry. You do NOT need one. Just grab the FREE kindle app and read on your tablet, smart phone, or even on your computer. You’ll finally get to see why the FERRO series has sold over 4 MILLION copies. No more waiting until payday to buy a book. Yes!

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 5.20.52 PMThe Secret Life of Trystan Scott volumes 1-5 have been listed. See how it says Kindle Unlimited: FREE – that means it’s registered in the program. You also see the KU logo under it with a link for more info and to sign up.

Finished already and want to read more about Trystan? THE ARRANGEMENT 1-16 & THE PROPOSITION 1-5 (The complete Bryan Ferro series), are already enrolled and THESE TWO SERIES INTERTWINE! You’ll see a whole lotta Sean, plus learn some Ferro family secrets.

FYI: I don’t get a bounty or a reward if you sign up. Just saying, because some people like to know. We do have this in my house. Between us, we have seven Kindles and most are for reading. Up to ten books can be out at a time, from what I understand. We’ve not checked out that many books at once. It’s awesome though, because you can have multiple books on multiple devices at a time. And with my series alone, it pays for the 1st month.

Share this news with your friends and family, as it’s a limited time offer. This is a beta program, so it could change at any time.

To discuss the books or the sexy Ferro Family characters, check out Club Ferro on Facebook. You can compare notes and talk to nearly 6,000 other Ferro fans. It’s fun! To get the latest info on releases and upcoming events, text AWESOMEBOOKS to 22828 or click here.

I’ll let you know when more series have been added. For everyone waiting for a sale on my serials, here you go!

PS – The SECRET Life of Trystan Scott series is still available on all other sites, as before. This program is via Amazon, so I can’t change that part. But if you have a Nook and you want to buy the Nook Book, it’s still there too.

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