ALL 5 DEMON KISSED (New Adult Paranormal Romance) Kindle eBooks are on Sale for 99 Cents Today!

ALL 5 DEMON KISSED books are on sale for less than a $1 each! Wahoo! This series is the bestselling Paranormal Romance series by H.M. Ward. It starts as mature young adult and ends square in new adult. DEMON KISSED has been compared to Karen Marie Moning’s FEVER series. It’s dark and edgy with really hot bad guys. lol.

I have NEVER put all five of Ivy’s books on sale before. I have no idea if I’ll do it again, so grab them now!

Get all 5 DEMON KISSED books on Amazon. Click the title below to be taken to the sales page on Amazon.

Demon Kissed



Satan’s Stone

The 13th Prophecy

Have a Merry Christmas! Happy Reading!

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