Okay, I’m not a techie all drooling over the latest and greatest ereaders, tablets, and what-have-yous. If things were left to me, I’d still have a Commodore64, Atari, and AOL v 1.2. But when I saw the new Nook I got really excited! It’s eink AND its lit! Eeeep! Let me give you a little background as to why this is exciting…
Some of you know that I’m a Kindle girl. I wasn’t always a kindle girl, in fact I was anti-ereader in general. The screens fried my eyes, and the lack of paper screws with my memory. (Recall drops on electronic devices). Anyway, I got hubby one a couple of years ago. He was all drooling and so I gave him one for Christmas. I started using it, because my little village would run me through with pitch forks for trying to buy a book with Succubus in the title. Gasp! The horrors! (Succubus Blues, yeah, a real book. Pretty good too).
The instant gratification thing with the ereader was good too. If I finished a book after the mall closed, I could still read that night. Anyway, the first six months of my ereader experience sucked. I HATED the kindle. If you go back on the Demon Kissed wall you can see my rantings about evil kindles. Around the nine month point, I seemed to adapt to the little thing. Now I LOVE it. Recall issues are gone, and this techno-idiot got her very own Kindle last year. I’m in Kindle<3!
Then this Nook comes along (pictured at top). Okay, this feels a little like checking out other guys, since I’m kinda keen on my Kindle. I have the cute little one (pictured left). It’s lightest Kindle they have, battery lasts for months, and I have a zillion books on it. But, getting the little kindle light to stay on it at night (for reading in the dark) is a major PITA. Not to mention that I can’t make it waterproof like the rest of the kindle. No floating in the pool and reading at night, which is a favorite pass time.
Do you see the Nook GlowLight, all glittering, saying “Hey sexy, come get me! I’m just what you need!”
Eeeep! *Fans self* Why Mr. GlowLight, I’m a one ereader kinda woman. There’s no point in trying to seduce me into changing me ereader. Oh, who am I kidding, you don’t have to say anything else… You had me at glow.
Guess what I’m ordering!
Nook me, baby!