Calling all Bloggers of Awesomeness!

demon kissed, hm ward, paranormal romance, YA paranormal romance, best YA booksThis is a quick note to all the wonderful bloggers who loved DEMON KISSED and posted a review.  THANK YOU!

As you may know, the DEMON KISSED series (that follows Ivy Taylor’s storyline) has concluded.  The final book in Ivy’s story, THE 13th PROPHECY, was released on March 6, 2012.  As if that wasn’t a big whoop-t-do, there’s more!

Book #1, DEMON KISSED, turns 1 yr old on March 27th, 2012!  Eeeep!  It’s already been a year!  And thanks to the support of awesome fans like you, DEMON KISSED has remained on the bestsellers list for an entire year!

During that time, the size of the facebook fan base more than doubled.  We have over 45,000 fans!  Total reach is insanely huge, at over 17 million people!  We have fans in more countires than I can count.  And you all send me fan mail.  <3  That never gets old.  It’s awesome to hear from people who fanned me at the very beginning, and they stuck with me from then til now, and are jumping at the bit to get their hands on BANE (my next book in my VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE series).

So we’re celebrating lots of stuff!  And as with any celebration of major proportions, we got some major stuff going on! (Say that in Texan with a slight NYer accent.  If needed, add “yo,” to the ending to Yankee it up).

So… I have something special for my blogger peeps! I am going to be doing a lot of promos over the next few months, including author interviews, giveaways, and bloggy kinda stuff.  If you have an opening on your blog schedule this Spring, let me know!

The first five bloggers who RSVP are guaranteed to get awesome swag to give away to their readers.

What kind of swag?  Signed books, signed bookplates, book marks, DEMON KISSED kindle/ nook skins, and maybe even something of Ivy’s from the cover shoot!

Email me at hmward AT demonkissed DOT com.  Make sure the subject line says “Blogger.”  Tell me the name of your blog and the address, too!

Thanks for everything you guys do!  There are so many awesome bloggers, and I have really enjoyed getting to speak to you all over the past year.  Happy blogging!

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