16 New York Times Bestsellers in About a Year

Okay, about a year ago I was trucking along and thought – I’ll publish DAMAGED even though I’d had it sitting on my laptop (in the dead to me folder) of unfinished stories that I’d lost interest in writing. I added swing dancing and finished it – hit publish. That was the tipping point for me. I’d hit the NYT once before that (SCANDALOUS) and it was so weird.

I never expected to hit it, not in a million years. And when I first went indie, they’d said, ‘over our dead body would an indie ever grace our prestigious list.’ So they weren’t a dream of mine. Like, at all.


OMG! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!! THE ARRANGEMENT 15 made the NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers list! Eeeeeep!!! Dude, this is something that I never thought would happen-like ever- this makes my 16th NYT bestseller in a little over a year. It’s CRAZY CAKES, MAN! I feel like I should get a fluffy dress and have a party. Maybe swing dance?

Dream big. Keep on truckin’ b/c you never know which book it will be. Long live fankenferro! Bwhuhahaha. And that book had a nice guy hero. It was a total wtf. Seriously. No alpha male. No sex. And it was NA. *blinks* It musta been the swing dancing and the saddle shoes. Saddle shoes are sexy. ;)

Just had to share. Talk about weird milestones that I never thought would happen. Indies can do anything! Go us! Go us! Eat cake trad pubs! Bwuahahahaa!!!!

Mmmmmm cake.

Okay, I’m supposed to be finishing a series and I’m procrastinating. That said, go indies! Saddle shoes are sexy! Men who can swing dance are sexier! And I need some cake!

(PS – a little tip – brand the hell out of EVERYTHING!) :)


Thank you so much!!! More Ferros coming shortly.

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Ferro, Fan Fiction, and Kindle Worlds!

avery.jpgI discoveredfan fiction after I released my Demon Kissed series. There were people that loved the world so much that they wanted to contribute to it! Sometimes they’d bring their own characters to life in it, and sometimes they’d play with the characters that I created. That’s totally awesome. And, as a writer, really weird. Those are my characters!  And when other people play with them, it’s like they’ve rented a condo in some small part of my brain — and it can be crowded enough in here at times.  :o)

But, fan fiction has been around forever! The problem has always been, what do writers do with those stories after they write them? No matter how great their stories are, they can’t distribute them – after all, it isn’t entirely their story (remember, they’re borrowing space in my brain, so there are usually copyright issues.) So, some great stuff has ended up locked away on somebody’s hard drive, or tucked away in some dark corner of the internet.

Kindle Worlds is a great solution! I’m inviting the awesome Ferro fan fiction writers that are out there to share their stuff with the world. I’m cool with it! Will Ferro fans want to read it? I have no idea. Like anything creative, there’s going to be stuff that misses the mark. But, there will also be some incredible stuff that never would have seen the light of day without Kindle Worlds. And even I want to read that stuff!

I’m planning on writing for a long time to come. So, fans aren’t in trouble of running out of HM Ward books or Ferro hotness.  This move just brings out a lot of great stories that were being written anyway and lets everyone have a chance to decide if they’re worth reading.

If you caught my announcement earlier in the month, about HM Ward Press, you already know that I think some of my fans are amazing writers. Enough so that I’m writing some (stand-alone) novels with them and putting both our names on the cover. The talent is out there – and a lot of readers are always looking for great books. This is really exciting and a new step that hasn’t been taken before, and the cool part is that it allows new writers to explore parts of the Ferro story that I’ll never have time to write. For the love of all things Ferro, let’s see what we can do! Head over and check it out.

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News from HuffoPo-EXCLUSIVE: H.M. Ward to Launch New Book Publishing Company

For those of you who missed it, here’s the article about H.M. WARD PRESS. :) More books! Hooray!!!!

Article by Jeff Rivera

HMWARDHOLLYHM Ward, arguably one of the most successful indie published authors in recent years, may have sold over 5 million copies of her books in less than three years, but she has been anything but stingy about helping other authors. Ward has made it her mission to lift other indie authors up and that includes launching a new publishing company called HM Ward Press.

In their first joint interview, Holly, as her friends call her and her husband and business partner, Mike Ward reveal the details of the project they’ve been keeping hush-hush for months.

Okay, so now I’m excited. When will you launch this new press?
HM: We already have two authors under contract now. We’ll hopefully release the first book after RWA. The whole concept behind the press is that these are co-authors. The first author is Stacey Mosteller. She is published. No one we’re working with is new. They’re proven authors. They’re great writers. Most will be New Adult titles but some will be Middle Grade.

Mike: So, right now, there are two authors that are under contract, that she’s tapped on the shoulder. They’re thrilled to do it. It’s a very different paradigm than anything traditionally done.

Can you tell us about the first book that will be released?
It is a New Adult Contemporary Romance. It’s what every reader is looking for when they read Damaged or Stripped or the Arrangement. It does not include any of the characters in the first books. These books are totally standalone. They’re not intended to be a series, not upfront. Obviously, the potential is there for anything, but that’s not how they were originally intended.

Mike: That’s part of the reason why these may have not been put out already by Holly alone because if they didn’t fit with her previous series that she was already immersed in, it had to be put aside for the time being. And this is a way to still get those stories out.

And how will the creative process go for the co-authors?
 The creative process is very similar to James Patterson’s co-author program but the publishing process is very different. I have a backlist of concepts and stories that I’ve been building and never fleshed out or released myself; just because of time-restraints. I did a book every two and half weeks last year and I still didn’t get everything out that I would have liked to. Some stories have been very well fleshed out, thoroughly outlined where I’ve built out the whole concept but just didn’t put in the time writing them.

Mike: She has tapped a couple of people on the shoulder where they are great authors, where they write fast, they write in a similar style, they are exactly what her readers are looking for. She’s providing these co-authors with the first thorough outline, going over the whole story with them, talking about the ideas the characters, what the story is going to be like when it comes alive. The co-authors are going to take that very first draft, and Holly will go through it, they’ll be a process of revisions back and forth, and Holly will take it the final step, doing her own writing, whatever she hasn’t already worked into it through the revision process, and then that book will be released.

So, tell me about the business behind HM Ward Press. Who gets the rights to the books? How are the royalties split?
 HM Ward Press is buying all rights outright. So, we own the rights, we own the book. The co-author gets full credit as co-author for their contribution, but one of the key differences is that they’re getting paid a livable wage for their contribution, for really making the story happen. It’s higher than the average advance from the Big 5 for genre fiction writing and that’s the goal, to maintain that. So, right off the bat, they’re going to get more upfront than they would if they published anything on their own.

Mike: And then following that, once the book releases, they’ll continue to earn based on how it performs. They would earn additional bonuses on top of whatever they were originally paid. They’ll earn far more than they ever could traditionally. There are no royalties. It is 100% transparent. The author, upfront, knows exactly what they’re getting, they can watch the book perform and they’ll know what they’re going to get back out of it, they’re much more immediately invested in how it performs, there’s no waiting to earn out or months for royalty checks.

So, what are the advantages of co-authoring with you, instead of just doing a book themselves?
The way it’s working right now, Holly has her fingertips on the pulse of indie publishing. She knows who’s out there and so she’s looking for people that write well, write fast, that have a similar style, that her readers would want to read anyway. Her readers are always looking for something new. They want what she’s putting out, but people can still read a lot faster than she’s able to write, and it ends up being win-win for the co-authors, for the readers, and maybe the publishers will make note of it. The co-authors are also getting the advantage of working with Holly, a talented successful author who is just a great resource for anybody that’s in indie publishing, they get access to her fans and her readers and they’re going to get paid substantially better than they would if they tried to become traditionally published.

Holly: There’s so many talented authors out there where they’re just going to be buried. It’s the slushpile that moved from the editor’s desk to Amazon. It’s not a matter of querying, or approaching us, I’m personally tapping people that I know my readers are looking for.

How many books will you be releasing a year?
 We’re still ramping up and because it is so time-intensive for Holly, hopefully it’ll be 4-6 books in the first year, and will increase from there. We’d love to see that output double the second year.

So, how will you promote these books?
The same way I market mine–social media, web, email, etc.

Mike: Holly is in a unique position. Her readers want more. As long as it’s an HM Ward book in style, and feel and content, it’s more of a matter of getting the books out there to her fans than a matter of advertising or marketing.

Are you worried about oversaturating the market with HM Ward books?
 At this point, I’d love it if Holly was able to slow down a little bit. She’s had herhealth issues, she’s incredibly busy, she writes tremendous hours, and if it got the point where she was comfortable slowing down where the readers wanted to see her slow down then maybe … but, I just don’t see that happening. They want the titles. They’re reading a book a week. And Holly, even being Holly, can’t write that fast.”

See the article over here on Huffington Post

This article was in Huffington Post on 5/29/2014

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Book Expo America 2014 HM Ward


So this event (BEA) was totally crazy! I was running non-stop between signings, meetings, and speaking.I thought I’d share some pics of the awesome fans and the stuff that was going on. The book signings were insane. I ran out of books in less than an hour and the tee shirts were gone within a few minutes. The first line wrapped all the way down the hall to the ladies room which was way long!  Then they cut off the second line when they saw the books were about gone. Thanks to the ppl who helped me during both signings! You guys are awesome! And EVERYTHING is gone-even the signs. :)

Thank you to everyone who came out and said hi! You guys rock! The pic below is me sitting in the author area right before things got crazy. As you can see, Mr. Turkey left his home in Canada to come visit me. (He’s supposed to be in Cherry Hill with Sid, but he was abducted by Mel). His sign is made from a toothbrush. :)

photo (1)

And a special thanks to Anderson Porter who got me this chair so I could sit here and visit with you guys. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to get this chair. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

And thank you also to the guy who helped me move my books to the signing location. I thanked you twice in person, but I didn’t realize how screwed I was until I lifted the box of books. OMG! Thank you for carrying them to the singing table on the other side of the Center.photo (3)

Here’s a group of fans having tea with me at the Ritz. It was more like a cake party. Mr. Turkey wore his finest.

And these are the tats they got later. It’s the Ferro family crest. :)



Thanks to everyone who came out! I can’t thank the fans enough! And the random nice people who helped me!


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rafflecoptersexyIt’s giveaway time! Why, because you guys are freaking awesome!

So what’s the prize?

How about a $300 Amazon gift card? You can buy all sorts of sexy things. ;) Books, lingere, a dress, handcuffs–you know, fun stuff!

Ready? Go enter! Do it now! Because someone is going to win, so why not you? Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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25 Random Things About H.M. Ward (For Realzies)


1. My favorite color is purple.

2. My secret favorite color is pink.

3. I like to make sublime things, and I’m a hopeless romantic.

4. I believe in true love, and was lucky enough to find it and keep it.

5. I love somber, melancholy stories and music.

6. I play the cello, and competed when I was younger.

7. I LOVE playing in pit orchestras.

8. And I’m infatuated with the theatre. Backstage, when the lights are down, and the theatre is empty offers a ghostly hallowedness that is so alluring, I could sit there, listening to the silence forever.

9. The giggles of a child are like Pixie Stix for the soul.

10. Dogs love me, although I only admire them from a distance. It’s quite awkward, actually.

11. I have middle child syndrome. My mom told me so. A lot.

12. I have curly hair that puts Side Show Bob’s untamed mane to shame.

13. My favorite number is 3.

14. I’m a professional artist (commissioned painter).

15. I’m a full time writer. DEMON KISSED (A Paranormal Romance-Book #1 in the Demon Kissed Series) (Demon Kissed #1) was my 1st book. I shot all the covers for that series and Catalyst in my studio.

16. Although my mother thinks so, I am not the heroine in any of my books even they have unmanageable hair, middle child syndrome, an affinity for art and music, are rather clumsy, and like the #3.

17. Oh yeah, I’m clumsy.

18. My favorite book is Peter and Wendy.

19. I went to seminary. I forget exactly how that happened.

20. I’m an award winning boudoir photographer. Fo shizzle.

21. I appear to be slightly bipolar, tripolar as I’m reading this list.

22. I’m introverted. I’d be a hermit, but I don’t like caves. Okay, I’m, lying. I LOVE caves, but I hate things that live in them, like bats and other hermits.

23. I’m a native NYer, which is why most of my novels take place on Long Island. The high school in DEMON KISSED and TRYSTAN SCOTT is Deer Park High. Yes, there is a prop room in the basement. That was just an open invitation to trouble. What the hell were they thinking?

24. When I 1st moved to TX, I thought nice people were trying to steal my car. They’d say stuff like, “How are you?” and “Nice morning, isn’t it?” I managed not to punch anyone. They say I’m doing rather well now.

25. I found out I’m old last week. It didn’t go over well. I’m hoping it was a mistake.

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H.M. Ward’s: 4 Million Reasons To Self Publish Online Author Workshop


Get ready! It’s finally here! H.M. Ward’s online author workshop!

DATE: Feb. 1, 2014

TIME: 2pm EST – 3pm EST

LOCATION: Online – this is a webinar/ online workshop

COST: $49 (100% of your payment for this workshop is being donated to NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP, an early infancy non-profit organization that helps grieving families with infant loss). I’m paying the payment processing fees, webinar costs, and anything else that comes up myself.

I’ve been asked to speak all over the place this year, and decided this is an easy and inexpensive way to hold a world-wide workshop for authors without ever leaving your living room.

About me:

  • H.M. Ward is an Indie author (self-published).
  • H.M. Ward has sold 4 MILLION books since her debut novel released in 2011.
  • Her novel DAMAGED: THE FERRO FAMILY was the #1 bestselling Indie Kindle Direct Publishing and CreateSpace title of 2013.
  • DAMAGED: THE FERRO FAMILY was the #14 bestselling title on Amazon of 2013.
  • In 2013 alone Ward had 11 different titles on the NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers list.
  • She is a NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, & USA TODAY bestselling author.
  • Her readership has grown to a social reach of over 20 million people.
  • H.M. Ward became a full time writer less than a year after her first novel appeared on the market.
  • THE ARRANGEMENT is her bestselling series of new adult romance serials about the eldest Ferro brother, Sean.
  • H.M. Ward has been a top 100 Amazon author every month of 2013.
  • On average in 2013 she released a new title every 2.5 weeks.
  • H.M. Ward owns H.M. Ward Press.

Series: Ferro Family, including: Damaged, The Arrangement, The Proposition, & Stripped. More romance series include Scandalous, Secrets, and The Secret Life of Trystan Scott. Paranormal Romance Series: Demon Kissed, Vampire Apocalypse.

If you haven’t attended an online workshop before, it has audio – you’ll hear me speaking, and you can see my computer screen. If you want to ask questions, there’s a place to type them in. It works really well.

The content of this workshop will be based on the feedback given by the registrants. From speaking with many people, it sounds like we’ll be talking about how to increase readership and marketing techniques. During the first part of the workshop I’ll talk and address the info you sent in prior to the workshop, then we’ll switch to a Q&A format. I think that will be the most productive way to do things. It should give you information that you can run out and use right away, which is a big deal.

You are welcome to attend whether you have published or are getting ready to publish your first book. :) I’m obviously happy about self-publishing, so everything will have that slant. Yeah Indie writers!

Before the workshop, you will get log in information so you can attend this event online. Have I mentioned this event is online? :)

Click the button below to register. Please note that seats are non-refundable. There are a VERY limited number of slots. In the event of a cancellation on my part, you will be refunded in full.



NOTE: A SECOND WORKSHOP WILL BE HELD IN MARCH. SIGN UPS BEGIN 2/7/2014 at 8pm EST. Check here: blog.demonkissed.com

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(This section is from Sean’s point of view)

“When I blink, I feel Avery beneath my body, but my ghosts won’t release me. I choke and realize the room is silent—like before. Images from that night long ago continue to bombard me, flashing in and out of my mind, clouding the present with the past.”

This is the next book that will be out, so it’s coming really soon! I know tons of you have been waiting. The serials release once a month. All other series have 5 books total, expect for this one. We have fans asking for an engagement, wedding, and baby Ferro. Plus you’ll notice some of the other books tangling in and out (DAMAGED, STRIPPED, PROPOSITION, TRYSTAN SCOTT, etc).

And for the first time ever – there is an entire chapter from Sean’s point of view. Yes, you’ll get inside that beautifully disturbed man’s head! I can’t wait to share it with you! Eeeeep!!!!

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